Introduction to Project and Plans
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darlean provides 2 similar entities Project and Plan for users to explore and suit their needs. Before a deeper discussion of the usage of these two entities, it's best to understand the possible structure of the Project and Plans
In a single Workspace, users can create unlimited Projects and Unlimited Plans. Each project and plan by default has 3 levels of task detail but you can customize it to add 2 more levels. Usage above 5 levels of task granulation can be accommodated within different project levels and different Workspaces.
Business CaseGiven a case of management group (name PT. AB Management) that has a subsidiary of IT Business and Digital Marketing Agency. How 5qit can help the management group?
darlean can be customized for PT AB Management by setting Workspace 1 for IT Business and Workspace 2 for Digital Marketing Agency. Let's discuss how IT Business in the first workspace works:
The IT Business implements scrum methodology and has many apps as their project.
At the project level: each project represents the different apps the company is working on. 5 task levels inside the project can be customized with the following structure and usage
Level 1: Default Milestone
Level 1: Release
Scrum approach, user can put the name of Release 1.0 or name it Backlog and keep it in the bottom
Level 2: Default Epic
Level 2: Milestone
Flagging main feature or function to be achived in the release. Example User account feature
Level 3: Task
Level 3: Epic
Breakdown of the feature. Example: Login, Log Out, Forget Password, Edit User, User Session Management
Level 4: by default not set
Level 4: Task
Bite size task related to Epic. Example: Login UI, Login Logic, Login validation
Level 5: by default not set
Level 5: Subtask
Additional task that occurs during the process: Create Login UI, Research Login Security Method